Heffley’s Bill to Expand C-PACE Program Heads to Senate
January 26, 2022
HARRISBURG – Legislation to enhance and expand the successful Property-Assessed Clean Energy Program (C-PACE), sponsored by Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon), was passed unanimously in the House of Representatives this week. House Bill 1760 will next be considered by the Senate.
C-PACE has enabled Pennsylvania property owners to take advantage of private capital to implement building energy efficiency and clean energy projects. In the program’s first year, four C-PACE projects were completed for a total investment of $18 million of private capital. The list of projects currently “in the pipeline” statewide stands at $225 million.
“This bill is very timely in light of the pandemic and widespread economic hardship,” said Heffley. “New multifamily buildings, like senior living centers, are one of the fastest growing commercial real estate sectors in Pennsylvania, so expanding the program to include them will help property owners make vital upgrades to ventilation systems in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and infuse our economy with much-needed capital at the same time.”
Currently, C-PACE facilitates long-term financing for energy efficiency, water conservation and renewable energy projects for agricultural, commercial and industrial properties. House Bill 1760 would expand C-PACE to include multifamily commercial buildings, indoor air upgrades and resiliency improvements, such as flood mitigation, energy storage, wind resistance, etc.
Heffley noted that C-PACE is a funding mechanism that relies entirely on private capital and is not a tax.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley
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