Heffley Addresses Concerns Over Misleading Guidance Distributed to Local Homeless Shelter Operators
March 10, 2025
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) is raising concerns over materials recently distributed to homeless shelter operators in his legislative district by contractors for the Eastern Pennsylvania Continuum of Care (Eastern CoC). The materials, which include guidance from the National Homelessness Law Center, misrepresent the role of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and could potentially jeopardize public safety.
Heffley has called into question the use of federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds to promote actions that may undermine law enforcement efforts. The materials in question advise shelter operators on how to frustrate ICE’s legitimate duties, potentially putting both homeless individuals and law enforcement officers at risk.
“These materials mischaracterize ICE’s role and could encourage shelter operators to take actions that endanger the public and violate legal responsibilities,” said Heffley. “The Eastern CoC should focus on its mission to combat homelessness and assist individuals in need, not promote misinformation that could have serious consequences for both the homeless community and law enforcement.”
Heffley has urged the Department of Community and Economic Development to review how ESG funds are being spent and suggested that the National Homelessness Law Center be responsible for distributing its own materials, rather than relying on the Eastern CoC.
For more information, contact Heffley’s district office at 610-377-6363.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Huntre Keip
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley
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