Heffley: Budget Burdens Taxpayers
July 11, 2024
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) issued the following statement on the $47.6 billion state budget for fiscal year 2024-25:
“For the second year in a row, the state’s June 30 budget deadline has passed without a deal. House Democrats did not present a budget bill until the second week of July, which left us with little time for negotiation. This isn’t what the folks back home elected us to do.
“The budget spends far too much taxpayer money and continues the dangerous trend of operating in a structural deficit, spending more than we take in. We’re funding recurring programs with one-time funds, risking the depletion of the surplus and Rainy Day Fund that we’ve built up as a buffer for economic emergencies.
“Looking at the numbers, Pennsylvania’s budget surplus could vanish within two fiscal years, leaving us vulnerable. The purpose of the surplus and Rainy Day Fund is to protect the future of Pennsylvania. Instead, Gov. Josh Shapiro and House Democrats are only looking at spending today, without regard for the future.
“Like I said in February after the governor’s budget address, these are a lot of new programs without many details behind them. These programs increase state bureaucracies while leaving the taxpayers to bear the burden. Our taxpayers deserve relief, not a tax increase in a few years.
“It is obvious Republicans and Democrats have different priorities, especially regarding the state budget. However, we can all agree that Pennsylvania taxpayers deserve a timely budget that ensures every penny is spent effectively.”
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Huntre Keip
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley
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