Heffley Encourages Carbon County Residents to Participate in Legislative Redistricting Process
December 3, 2021
HARRISBURG – Seeking to get residents of the 122nd Legislative District involved in deciding its boundaries, Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) is encouraging participation in Pennsylvania’s legislative reapportionment process, which is currently underway.
“In the weeks ahead, we will be looking at proposals to redraw the boundaries of the Commonwealth’s state House and Senate districts,” said Heffley. “The boundary changes are necessary to ensure fair and equal representation for all citizens. That’s why we are urging residents to take part by submitting their ideas on how the new 122nd Legislative District should look.”
Heffley noted that residents can submit written testimony, upload a file or draw a statewide map at redistricting.state.pa.us.
“If residents are interested in keeping Carbon County whole, as I am, they can go to the website and express their views. Comments have been coming in from special interest groups with progressive agendas, so it is important that the average citizen makes their voice heard as well,” added Heffley.
Watch Heffley's comments below:
State legislative districts are required by the Constitution to be nearly equal in population. Every 10 years, in conjunction with the U.S. Census, the district boundaries are adjusted based on shifts in population to meet the “one person, one vote” principle. However, the number of state representatives and senators serving the Commonwealth will remain the same at 203 and 50, respectively.
Changes to House and Senate districts are not subject to the typical legislative process but are instead developed by a Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC). The commission is comprised of the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate, as well as a chairman who, this year, was appointed by the state Supreme Court. The LRC chairman is Mark A. Nordenberg, who previously served as chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh.
The LRC has held hearings across Pennsylvania to gather comment from citizens and community leaders about state legislative redistricting. The hearings, testimony and other public input is available for review at redistricting.state.pa.us.
The goal is to have the new House and Senate district maps completed in time for the May 2022 primary election, though delays in receiving Census data have slowed the process.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley
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