Heffley Testifies Before House State Government on PA Redistricting Process

October 19, 2021

WEISSPORT – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) offered his testimony in Kingston on Monday before the House State Government Committee as members of the committee conducted their sixth regional hearing regarding the importance of a fair and transparent redistricting process in Pennsylvania.

“By allowing Pennsylvanians to have an active role in assisting with the drawing of our congressional maps, it already puts us leagues ahead of other states that lack the ability to be transparent and put the voices of special interest groups ahead of the voices of their own residents,” said Heffley. “It was a privilege to have the opportunity to speak before the House State Government Committee and I commend Chairman Seth Grove on hosting these hearing and his promotion of a fair and transparent redistricting process.”

For Heffley’s full comments, visit here.

Other testifiers at Monday’s hearing included Alan Hall, vice chair of Susquehanna County Board of Commissioners; Harry Haas, Luzerne County Council; John Moyer, vice chair of Monroe County Board of Commissioners; Michael Waxenberg of Lords Valley, PA; Kenneth Lee of Clarks Summit, PA; Liz Terwilliger of Warren Center, PA; and James Barbour from PA Farm Bureau State Board.

The committee’s next hearing will take place at American Heritage Federal Credit Union’s community room, 2060 Red Lion Road in Philadelphia, on Wednesday, Oct. 20, starting at 9 a.m.

For more information on what the House State Government Committee has done with redistricting, visit paredistricting.com/.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com | Facebook.com/RepHeffley

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