Heffley: Wolf’s Redistricting Advisory Council is Duplicative and Politically Motivated

September 15, 2021

HARRISBURG – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) issued the following statement in reaction to Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement that he has formed an advisory council to provide guidance during his review of the congressional redistricting plan to be developed and passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

“The governor is certainly entitled to do whatever he wants regarding the redistricting process. However, I believe the decision to form his own ‘advisory council’ is duplicative and politically motivated. It will also cost taxpayer dollars that will be needlessly spent.

“The governor is already involved in the process, along with Pennsylvania citizens, members of the House State Government Committee and, ultimately, members of the House and Senate, who will vote on the redistricting plan. This council is simply a waste of time and energy, and serves no real purpose.

“Instead, the governor and his administration should be focused on solving the very serious issues now facing the Commonwealth and its residents, including growing the economy and ensuring the COVID-19 vaccine is accessible to all.

“Our goal is to make the redistricting process as fair and transparent as possible. We are hopeful the plan that passes is not rejected by a partisan Pennsylvania Supreme Court.”

Heffley noted that the House State Government Committee is holding public hearings statewide to give citizens an opportunity to provide input on the congressional redistricting plan. One of those hearings is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 18, in Kingston, Luzerne County. More information is available at www.paredistricting.com.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley

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