The Weekly Roundup
The latest news from the State Capitol
2020-21 Budget Season Underway
Before a joint session of the General Assembly on Tuesday, Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his 2020-21 state budget with a price tag of more than $36 billion, an increase of $2 billion over the current year’s enacted budget.
I am very concerned about this proposed level of spending and how it would impact our taxpayers and employers. The budget also reflects nearly $600 million in overspending in the current year’s budget. It is important that the governor and his administration abide by the enacted budget he agreed to.
Fortunately, the governor’s address is just the beginning of the annual budget process. The House Appropriations Committee, of which I am a member, will conduct a series of hearings starting Tuesday, Feb. 18, to delve into the details of the governor’s plan and how state agencies are spending their funding.
For a schedule and live streaming of the hearings, click here.
Rallying for Tax Reform Now
On Monday, I spoke at a Capitol rally in support of property tax reform in Pennsylvania. For far too long, school property taxes have burdened many hard-working homeowners in Carbon County and across the state, and we need to make a change.
The challenge is to obtain at least 102 votes in the House, 26 votes in the Senate and the signature of the governor to enact such legislation. I urged the crowd to talk with their legislators. We need to get this done.
Anti-Human-Trafficking Initiative Signed into Law
One of several human trafficking bills championed in the House last month was signed into law this week.
Senate Bill 60 is designed to better protect victims of human trafficking and ensure justice is served by imposing stricter penalties on criminals involved in this heinous crime.
The new law raises the grading of the offense to a first-degree felony and imposes increased fines and jail time. Specifically, the law will raise the additional fine amount to at least $1,000 for a first offense and as much as $50,000 for a third or subsequent offense or where the victim of sexual servitude was a minor at the time of the offense. Jail time could be as much as 20-40 years.
To learn more about additional legislation approved by the House to combat human trafficking, click here.
Think Spring! Trout Stocking Schedules Available
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced this week its 2020 trout stocking schedules are now available online and the FishBoatPA mobile app. Copies are also available at my district offices..
The schedule is searchable by county, lists the waterways in alphabetical order, and indicates stocking dates and the species of trout that will be stocked. The commission plans to once again stock approximately 3.2 million trout in 707 streams and 130 lakes open to public angling. PFBC plans to double the amount of trophy-sized trout being stocked to approximately 60,000 fish, 70% of which are slated to be stocked during the preseason.
The 2020 trout season will officially open Saturday, March 28. For more information on trout stocking, trout season and how to obtain a 2020 fishing license, visit www.fishandboat.com.
Scout Visit
I’d like to thank the scouts and leaders of Cub Scout Pack 187 for visiting my Weissport office recently to talk about state government. They asked lots of great questions!
Office Locations |
204B Bridge St., Weissport, PA 18235 | (610) 377-6363 |
2681 State Route 903, Unit 3, Albrightsville, PA 18210 | (570) 722-8700 |
Room 420 Irvis Office Building, PO Box 202122, Harrisburg, PA 17120-2122 | (717) 260-6139 |
Email: dheffley@pahousegop.com |
TTY: 855-282-0614 |