Heffley Votes ‘Yes’ on Budget Bill with Record Education Spending and No New Taxes

June 25, 2019

HARRISBURG – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) joined a bipartisan majority of his House colleagues in passing the 2019-20 state budget today. House Bill 790 keeps spending growth in line with the rate of inflation without raising taxes or fees on Pennsylvania’s workers or seniors. 

Heffley issued the following statement regarding the spending proposal:

“While Gov. Tom Wolf continues to call for tax increases, we have worked to hold the line on taxes and keep state spending under control is benefitting our economy with record low unemployment and rising wages. We’re also continuing our fiduciary responsibility to adequately fund the state pension systems and not pass that debt on to future generations.  

“We have increased education funding to record levels, setting a new high of $12.8 billion for preK-12 education. There is an additional $160 million included for basic education, $50 million more for special education and a $25 million increase for early childhood education. There was also $25 million added to a program that allows for school choice. In addition, we’ve included $60 million to continue funding school safety grants for school districts statewide.   

“In our budget conversations with business leaders, we heard of their struggle to find skilled workers. This budget proposal adds $10 million for career and technical education so we can provide students with the training they need to fill the jobs of the future. There is also a 2% funding increase for community colleges. 
“This budget frees up tens of millions of dollars for highway and bridge projects by reducing the amount of funding to be shifted from PennDOT’s Motor License Fund to the state police, which will receive an additional $97 million from the General Fund and nearly $10 million for three new classes of cadets along with additional funding to help our local communities combat the drug epidemic.

“Other budget items of note include funding to care for more individuals with intellectual disabilities, wage increases for home care workers and for nursing homes.

“This budget is not perfect, but I believe it is good for Pennsylvania and the 122nd District as we continue to adequately fund state programs without placing a heavier burden on taxpayers.”

House Bill 790 now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives


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