Why I Voted No on Gun Bill

October 5, 2018

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The Weekly Roundup

 The latest news from the State Capitol

Why I Voted No on Gun Bill

The House recently passed House Bill 2060, legislation which would mandate that all firearms be removed from the possession of an individual who is the subject of a protection from abuse order (PFA). I was one of the 62 House members who voted no.

For one thing, the bill takes away the discretion of judges in such cases, which is something I do not support. Under current law, judges draft PFAs to fit the particulars of the circumstances of each case.

Secondly, the courts already possess the authority to order the removal of firearms when there is a credible threat. I prefer to allow local judges who actually meet the parties involved to continue to use their best judgement as to when firearms should be removed and when it is not necessary. That is why we have judges and why they hold hearings. Harrisburg politicians who do not know the parties or the circumstances are a poor substitute.

Despite our concerns, this week the Senate passed the bill, and it has been sent to the governor, who has said he will sign the measure into law. 
Ensuring Upkeep of Veterans’ Graves

The House has approved legislation to help ensure proper upkeep of the graves of Pennsylvania veterans.

Under current law, counties are required to place a marker and a U.S. flag on the graves of all honorably discharged veterans. These U.S. flags are to remain up from Memorial Day through the Fourth of July.

However, new legislation would enhance current law to ensure cemeteries remove torn and weathered flags after the Fourth of July annually, and allow a veteran’s family member to keep them if they choose.

The legislation would also clarify current law to ensure greater communication between cemeteries, local veterans organizations and county commissioners, who are currently required to provide the flags.

House Bill 1471 and Senate Bill 1005 are awaiting action in the Senate. 
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

To honor those who have fought breast cancer or are fighting it now, the Capitol fountain has been turned pink in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The pink fountain is also a reminder to all women of the importance of mammograms and early detection.

This week, the House also passed a resolution recognizing October 2018 as “National Breast Cancer Awareness Month” and Oct. 19, 2018, as “National Mammography Day” in Pennsylvania.

The American Cancer Society estimates that 268,670 women and men in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year, and that’s why it is important to continue to educate the public about breast cancer and stress the importance of routine self-breast exams, regularly scheduled doctor visits and yearly mammograms as recommended. 

Pictured with me are Reps. Rob Kauffman of Franklin County and Sheryl Delozier of Cumberland County. 
In the District

Due to Tuesday night’s stormy weather, the Pink Light Walk was held indoors, but we still helped to raise breast cancer awareness and celebrated the survivors.

This was the 13th year for this wonderful event, which is sponsored by the Lehighton Area Lioness and Lions Club. I was honored to say a few words.

I enjoyed our town hall meeting at the Lehighton Elderly Apartments. Thanks to all who attended.

Congratulations to Troop 209’s newest Eagle Scout, Jarret Long. It was my privilege to present him with a House citation in recognition of this outstanding achievement.

I had the pleasure of meeting Warren Wilbur and his family at the Asa Packer Mansion in Jim Thorpe. Mr. Wilbur is a direct descendent of the famous philanthropist and was there to donate Asa Packer’s walking stick, which will be put on display.

You may have seen these folks and their signs around Lehighton in recent months. They’re tired of losing loved ones to the opioid epidemic and are publicly speaking out about it by sending a simple message - stop selling drugs to our friends. It’s a noble effort and I give them credit for trying to make a difference. 
Feds Extend REAL ID Grace Period

Pennsylvania has been granted an extended grace period to comply with REAL ID requirements set by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The grace period was set to expire Oct. 10, 2018, but has now been extended until Aug. 1, 2019. A final federal deadline for all states to comply is Oct. 1, 2020.

This grace period extension means that Pennsylvania residents will not face access issues when entering federal facilities or boarding commercial aircraft through at least Aug. 1, 2019.

REAL ID is voluntary for Pennsylvania residents, but encouraged for those who may need to access certain federal facilities, such as military bases, or fly commercial flights within the United States. Residents also have the option to use other, non-REAL ID forms of enhanced identification. Click here for that list.

Residents wishing to obtain REAL ID-compliant driver’s licenses and photo ID cards can obtain them, beginning in March 2019. In the meantime, customers are encouraged to pre-verify for REAL ID by gathering the required documentation as soon as possible, giving them ample time to prepare.

One of the required documents is a certified copy of a birth certificate, which can take up to several months to process, depending on one’s circumstances. My offices can help residents with birth certificate applications. Call or stop by for more information.

More information about REAL ID is available here
Fall in Love with PA’s Autumn Colors

Fall leaves are just about to turn across several areas in Pennsylvania, helping to boost tourism activities in many regions. If you’re interested in checking out autumn’s splendor, the weekly fall foliage report is available here
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110 North Third Street, 2nd Floor, Lehighton, PA 18235 | (610) 377-6363
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Room 403 Irvis Office Building, PO Box 202122, Harrisburg, PA 17120-2122 | (717) 260-6139
Email: dheffley@pahousegop.com
TTY: 855-282-0614 

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