Heffley’s Drug Treatment Bed Registry Bill Advances to Senate

June 14, 2019

HARRISBURG – Legislation to create a statewide drug treatment bed registry, sponsored by Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon), was passed unanimously by the House this week. House Bill 596 now moves to the Senate for consideration.

“Under my proposal, the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs would develop and administer an online registry of all the beds in licensed drug detoxification and rehabilitation facilities across Pennsylvania,” said Heffley. “By doing this, we can more quickly and systematically provide addiction treatment when an individual is ready to seek help.”

The registry created by Heffley’s proposal would contain:
• Descriptive and contact information for licensed Pennsylvania providers.
• Real-time information updated at least daily, on the number of beds available at a licensed provider’s facility, including the type of patient that may be admitted, the level of security provided and other information that may be necessary to allow for the identification of appropriate providers.
• A search function to identify available beds that are appropriate to treat persons experiencing a substance abuse emergency.

House Bill 596 would also require licensed providers to participate in the bed registry and share information for inclusion in it.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley

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