Local School Districts Awarded Safety Grants, Says Heffley
October 31, 2018
HARRISBURG – Six school districts in the 122nd Legislative District were awarded state grants to improve safety and security in their buildings through a new program supported by Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon).
Those districts include Hazleton Area, Jim Thorpe Area, Lehighton Area, Palmerton Area, Panther Valley and Weatherly Area, which will each receive $25,000, the maximum amount available.
“I am pleased our local districts are receiving funding through this new program that was created to fund critical security improvements,” said Heffley. “Creating a safe learning environment for our kids’ safety is one of my top priorities.”
The new $60 million grant program was established as part of a comprehensive school safety bill that was passed and included in the current state budget. School districts have the flexibility to spend it however they choose on measures to better protect students and staff, such as security officers, cameras, metal detectors and safety assessments.
School Safety and Security Grants were approved for 496 Pennsylvania school districts. They can also apply for additional funding through the program, along with intermediate units, vocational-technical schools, charter schools and private residential rehabilitative institutions. Those grants will be announced at a later date.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley
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