Heffley Announces Changes in Office Hours
May 23, 2019
WEISSPORT – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) today announced several changes to his district office hours.
Heffley’s district offices in Weissport and Albrightsville will close at 11 a.m. on Friday, May 24, and remain closed through Monday, May 27, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. The offices will reopen for business at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 28.
For more information on Heffley and his legislative priorities, please visit RepHeffley.com or Facebook.com/RepHeffley.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley
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