Meuser’s Staff to Hold Outreach Hours at Heffley’s District Offices in Weissport and Albrightsville

March 12, 2019

WEISSPORT – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) today announced that he will host regular outreach hours for U.S. Congressman Dan Meuser (PA-9) at his district offices in Weissport and Albrightsville starting this month.

A representative from Meuser’s office will be available to provide answers for people with questions best addressed by the federal government.

“We are pleased to be able to work with Congressman Meuser to ensure that constituents of the 9th Congressional District receive local and accessible service from their representative in Washington,” said Heffley.

The schedule is as follows:

• Weissport Office – Every second Thursday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon, starting March 14. Please call 610-377-6363 to schedule an appointment. The office is located at 204B Bridge St.

• Albrightsville Office – Every third Thursday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon, starting March 21. Please call 570-722-8700 to schedule an appointment. The office is located at 2681 State Rt. 903, Unit 3.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
717.260.6474 /

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