Training Grants Coming to Companies in 122nd District, Says Heffley
October 10, 2018
HARRISBURG – Four companies in the 122nd Legislative District have been awarded funding totaling nearly $39,000 to assist with their employee training needs, said Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon).
“These grants are provided through WEDnetPA, Pennsylvania’s premier worker training program which collaborates with community colleges and state universities to provide expert support to help companies assess their training needs, develop training plans and apply for funding,” said Heffley.
The local grant recipients are as follows:
• Ampal Inc., Palmerton – $10,000.
• Architectural Polymers Inc., Palmerton – $16,000.
• Heritage Sign and Display, Nesquehoning – $8,000.
• Hydra-Tech Pumps, Nesquehoning – $4,850.
WEDnetPA grants are made possible through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and provide qualified employers training funds for new and existing employees through the Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
717.260.6474 /
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