Heffley Announces School Safety Grants for Carbon County

October 4, 2018

HARRISBURG – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) today announced that school safety grants totaling nearly $125,000 were awarded to three Carbon County school districts and the Carbon Career and Technical Institute.

The funding was made available through a Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) program to prevent and reduce violent incidents in schools, to purchase safety and security-related equipment, and to provide for the training and compensation of school resource officers (SRO) and school police officers (SPO).

The Carbon County grants are as follows:

  • Carbon County Career and Technical Institute – $19,997 (anti-violence program)
  • Jim Thorpe Area School District – $25,000 (equipment)
  • Lehighton Area School District – $40,000 (SPO)
  • Weatherly Area School District – $40,000 (SPO)
“The safety of our children in the classroom setting is paramount and no parent should have to worry when they send them off to school in the morning,” Heffley said. “This funding will help to ensure that schools are providing a safe and secure learning environment for students, as well as the faculty and staff.”

PDE awarded school safety grants totaling approximately $8.4 million to school entities statewide.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley

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