Heffley, Yudichak Honor Lifelong Voters

August 1, 2018

LEIGHTON – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) and Sen. John Yudichak (D-14) honored 44 longtime Carbon County voters during a breakfast event on Tuesday.

The loyal voters were inducted into the Pennsylvania Voter Hall of Fame for having voted consecutively at every November election for the last 50 years.

“A democracy can only be sustained by engaged citizens who vote,” said Sen. Yudichak. “The Carbon County residents we honor for their induction into the Pennsylvania Voter Hall of Fame are true patriots and heroes who have sustained American democracy for the past 50 years.”

The voters were given certificates marking their commitment to democracy, and for trusting and supporting the electoral process of the Commonwealth and the United States of America.

“Voting is the most important civic engagement activity a citizen can perform. Each vote truly does count and gives citizens a voice in our government, from local school boards to the presidency,” Heffley said. “I commend these voters for their commitment to ensuring their voices are heard and helping to shape our community, state and nation.”


Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) and Sen. John Yudichak (R-14) hosted a breakfast to honor 44 longtime Carbon County voters at a breakfast ceremony on Tuesday, July 31. Pictured with Heffley, Yudichak and the voters are (standing left to right) Carbon County Commissioners Wayne Nothstein and Thomas Gerhard, Register of Wills Jean Papay, Rep. Jerry Knowles (R-Berks/Carbon/Schuylkill) and Recorder of Deeds Emmett McCall.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley

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