Districts Get School Safety Boost Thanks to Budget, Heffley Says
July 5, 2018
LEHIGHTON – In light of recent events, the recently enacted 2018-19 state budget includes a new School Safety line item. This line item will provide students with a safer learning environment thanks to a $60 million allocation, Rep. Doyle Heffley (R – Carbon) said.
“Over the last few months, I’ve had several conversations with local school administrators to learn what is needed to make sure our children are safe. What I found is, needs vary greatly from district to district,” Heffley said. “This money can be used for an assortment of tools to curb violence, including metal detectors, school resource officers, school safety assessments and preplanning, and other upgrades to ensure a safe learning environment.”
Pennsylvania school districts will be able to apply for School Safety Grants – any district that applies is guaranteed to receive $25,000. A new committee within the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency will review incoming applications from each district. The funds allocated this year will be awarded to all qualifying districts next year.
The General Assembly also took additional steps to protect students. Act 44 of 2018 provides for a new tip line to allow students, teachers and community residents to anonymously report unsafe, potentially harmful, dangerous, violent or criminal activities in schools. The tip line will be staffed by trained professionals who can respond to situations.
Additionally, the law gives the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency the power to offer a uniform approach to evaluate current security measures in every school in the state. It also requires schools to provide mandatory training on school safety and security to employees, and mandate yearly school security drills.
“As a commonwealth, we have a responsibility to protect our children. These steps and the additional funding will help but unless our children understand that every life is precious, and our actions have consequences, society will continue to deal with the ramifications” Heffley said.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley
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